Blog entry 9: review of Sydney's blog

Blog review: Sydney Hunt

My immediate impression when reading Sydney's blog posts was that they are all very true to her own perspective and feelings, which is important when delivering your personal analysis of tales, films or lectures.

My favorite to read was her blog about the Cinderella story, notably her analysis of "Pretty Woman." I too enjoyed the movie for its quirkiness and charm, but could not ignore the blatant anti-woman undertones. Sydney recognized this in her blog as well, but provided a completely different point of view from my own. She wrote "What I saw was a young woman that had lost both her mother and father and was thrust into a terrible situation, but still tried to make the best of it" (Hunt).
Image result for pretty woman

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One recommendation I have for Sydney's blogs would be to tie the ends up a bit more neatly. Some posts have abrupt endings where I was ready to keep reading or get to the culmination. Just an extra sentence or two to wrap everything up and end with a strong final thought would fix this.


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